Wednesday, 25 February 2015

One Lovely blog and and the Liebster award

So as i have been nominated for the liebster award again and nominated for the one lovely blog award, i thought i would combine them two together into one post.

Both awards are much like eachother - helping the less known bloggers gain a bit more awareness :)

Thank you Hannah and Jessica for nominating me

These questions are from Hannah for the liebster award.

Rules for the one lovely blog:
1. Thank and link the person
2. Add the 'One Lovely Blog Award' to your post
3.Share 7 facts about yourself
4. Nominate 7 other blogger and link them

1. How did you come up with the name for your blog?
I'm not actually sure how I came up with my blog name. I just kinda sat thinking what would be a nice blog name that's suits me, and I just kinda played around with the words and yeah that's kind of how - plus Ii did get a little help from my cousin  

2. What has been your best year and why?
ooo maybe 2013, i had my prom that year and it was soooo good, but tbh this year is probably looking my best so far (touch wood)

3. What are you looking forward to?
Well if I'm honest I'm looking forward to everything - my driving test, being qualified in my course, my birthday

4. What colour is your bedroom?
Mine is actually two colours - Duck Egg blue (I think that's the name) and white

5. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and who would you take?
well i would love to go to LA and who would i take? - either friends/best friend or family

6. What is your favourite makeup brand?
ooo this ones a toughy..... well I'm starting to fall in love with nars 

7. Who is your favourite singer/band
Has to be beyonce 

8. What product could you not live without?
Probably Mascara

9. What is something that everybody else seems to love, but you don't 
I'm not sure on this one 

10. What is the worst product that you have used?
I cant remember the name but it was a moose foundation that i tried out and it was just awful just a no no

11. What encourages you to blog?
 Me.. I guess. I just like blogging in my spare time :)

I nominate

Kiri x

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Nars Sheer Glow Review


I've seen many YouTubers talk about the Nars Sheer glow foundation and how good it is. So I decided to take a trip down to Space NK 

Before I purchased this foundation I ask one of the makeup artists to test the foundation out on my skin to match my skin tone, im in the shade Medium - Barcelona.

This foundation is lightweight, which is one of the things I love about this product, as some foundations can feel heavy on the skin but this one is truly amazing! as it is a light weight foundation it's buildable for those who like full covered finish.

This foundation just leaves a really nice finish, it brightens up the face also giving a really nice glow.Also that weightless feel it has to it.
With this foundation you only need a small amount, as it does go a long way. 
One of the things that it says on the packaging, is that its a hydrating foundation suitable for normal/dry skin. For someone that has dry skin it just works amazingly, helping it to stay fresh throughout the day without my skin feeling dry underneath.

I use my real techniques buffing brush  with this foundation, as it just gives that really nice natural look to the skin.

This foundation doesn't come cheap -£31 ,the only down side to this product is that it doesn't come with a pump which I believe is £3 extra which the new Nars foundation does

Just after I applied the foundation 

Roughly after 7 hours- still on my face (there was no fading from the foundation)

I would definitely recommend this product it does what is says in the name 'glow', gives a really nice finish also that weightless feel to it. So i would say its worth the £31.

Have you tried the Nars Sheer Glow? What do you think of it ?

kiri x