our college was in the creative fantasy category!
Today was the day that we left for Blackpool, waking up super duper early in mean half 5 early...to arrive at college to load everything on the coach from our bags to boxes even our head pieces.
we left around 7ish quarter past and took us around 4-5 hours to get there..... long I know!
When arriving at Blackpool we just had to get few bits for the big day! and getting the cab to the town is ridiculously cheap i mean like £3.60 cheap. which i love
Before we left for dinner the sun was setting and if you follow me on inst you would've have seen the same picture, i think there is just one word for this BEAUTIFUL!
2 2 chicken nando! (if you know that song then I *high five* you)
Yes! of course we had nandos for dinner, we took a cab there and after all finished we decided to walk back to the hotel.
Monday 14th march 2016
Leaving about 9 I think it was, to arrive at winter gardens in Blackpool. having to take everything off the coach and into the building, and that was a mission! As this year we were upstairs, we were having to take the lift, and by this the lift it was small and by small I mean small, we had to take 3 trips!
Doing all our preparation I wasn't feeling nervous at all I think about an hour also into it, it was getting stressful.
In Blackpool trying to find shops especially wilko......is a mission and an half then realising it was just behind winter gardens *insert laughing face*
It came to about half two and we where nearly there from body painting to having the outfit on.
Half hour later, we had to have the whole headpiece on and the garments, that we were attaching to the head piece even the two balls on the side that we had to grip in.
Half hour later, we had to have the whole headpiece on and the garments, that we were attaching to the head piece even the two balls on the side that we had to grip in.
Having everything on it was time.... we were given our number and ours was no 6.. soon as all the numbers were handed out we had to go into the room (stage), by this point I was so nervous I didn't know what to expect anything could go wrong, from things falling off or the headpiece not sitting right.
Getting the model comfortable is the main thing, but as they had to stand for some time most of them had to sit, also keep giving them with water to stop them from feeling dizzy and faint.
Time was up, quickly getting the head piece of my model, as it was very heavy. Everyone taking pictures felt so real.
By this point making sure everything was packed away so we were ready for the results.
I think there was about, 26 different categories (don't hold me to that one though)
Waiting for the results was so nerverecking it took forever to get to our category. Soon as they said number 26 creative fantasy we were ready! They said 3rd place..... but it wasn't one of us , then 2nd but still wasn't us, by this point I was thinking naaa there is no way one of us have 1st place now.
BUT... there is a BIG BUT soon as they said 1st place "NUMBER 6"! oh my god I just couldn't believe it, i just got so shaky and emosh everyone was screaming and so happy, I just couldn't believe it me and Courtney got first place out of 26 . and by emotional I cried I was just amazed by all the hard work in the past few months put into a few hours and excuse my language *fucking balls* cause we didn't like them.....(getting a bit emosh writing this)
Walking up to collect our prize and trying to take a photo with them I couldn't look because Ii couldn't stop crying it was a massive.. massive achievement! for me , for both of us even.
Walking back to our seats everyone was screaming cheering you name it, hugs all around even tears I was just in such a shock I was speechless.
Everyone in my college done amazingly their work their effort was beyond .......(i cant think a word)
they should've got 2nd 3rd. Their work was just amazing so much time was put into it, everyone in my eyes are winners im just so proud of the girls!
"enough rambling kiri"
Going back to the hotel it was obviously time to celebrate, half of us stayed in having pizza the other half went for a chinese and time for a celebratory drink or two I shall say!
Talking of Chinese who else had to be in the mood for it ? so i decided for a pizza wooo! domions of course.
towards the end of the night I still couldn't believe it, that me a Courtney came 1st in the national competition and won! I still cant. I think it'll be one of the things that will stay with me forever (is that the right saying)
Monday 15th march 2016
Time to head back to landdddaannn!
Time to head back to landdddaannn!
I think packaging is the worst who else had the problem where going back somewhere your case always seems to not shut?
Anyway breakfast today was a must and yes a fry up was needed! we had to be ready for half 10 to have everything on the coach.
Trying to have a nap and be comfy on a coach, is hard but we had our own seats so that was on the plus side! taking 4 hours or so so get back, plus having a stop aswell, it was around 4ish and we were finally home!
Trying to have a nap and be comfy on a coach, is hard but we had our own seats so that was on the plus side! taking 4 hours or so so get back, plus having a stop aswell, it was around 4ish and we were finally home!
Looking at all the picture I would love to relive that weekend again I had such an amazing time with everyone and definitely as I said will stay with me forever I still cant believe that we won!!!!!
Instagram: kiri_a2
Kiri x
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